CSR Records is a uniquely outstanding Swiss Record- and Film Production company. Founded 1989 in Zurich, Switzerland, by owner Cyrill Schlaepfer, CSR Records Company is based on 4 different Labels :
CSR Label products
UR-MUSIG : The CSR-Label for picture, film and sounds of authentic Swiss music and performance.
The Labels predominant release was the award winning musical feature film UR-MUSIG (1993) by Cyrill Schlaepfer. The original soundtrack-CD's UR-MUSIG and UR-MUSIG (Vol.2) are released through the same Label, featuring more than 165 musicians and performers of rural Central Switzerland and Appenzell origin. See Film-Trailer on Youtube.

SCHWING : This CSR-Label stands for 'swiss made music'.
The SCHWING-Label unites the most traditional Swiss musicians like the swiss accordion legend Rees Gwerder from Schwyz, the musicians dynasty Alder of Urnäsch Appenzell or the old fashioned yodeling farmers Älpler-Jodlergruppe Zihlmann, and the shrill yodeler/singer/actress Christine Lauterburg.

TRUE TONE : The CSR-Label specializing in 'ambient soundscapes'.
On this Label Cyrill Schlaepfer has released todate 9 CD's dedicated to the world's unique 'symphony of grazing cows with cowbells' recorded on different Swiss Alp pastures: ['s Glüüt] Vol. 1 and ['s Glüüt] Vol.2, [Les Sonnailles], and [s'Fahrglüüt], with the heavy sounding cowbells of descending cattle.
See Trailer
on YouTube. Further a CD with the surrounding sounds of the famous Lake Lucerne [Morgeluft]. As well as the rare production [Plasmaht] featuring unheard acoustical resonances of cactus plants, recorded by Mexican artist Ariel Guzik.
Most recent release has been "Die Waldstätte" on CSR of Cyrill Schläpfer: The
secret audio lives of steamships and paddle steamers of the world famous Lake
Luzern. A gargantuan project
[4 CDs /
3 DVDs] reminding of the audio equivalent of Herzog's Fitzcaralldo film. An
amazing effort. See Trailer
on YouTube. Interview
with Cyrill by bart Plantega, Radio Patapoe FM Amsterdam.
Schläpfer swell plans to publish another important ambient-morph productions, which he has been developing for several years (to be released on 5.1 DVD Dolby Digital Surround format): [Radio Vibración], a recording of a mexican ghost town in the Sierra Madre Oriental.

SWISS KULT-HITS : The CSR-Label for some of the most important and exclusive recordings of Swiss Pop and Rock back catalogue.
On the sampler Swiss Rock Ballads we hear bands like Rumpelstilz (Teddybär), Double (The captain of my heart), Span (Louenesee)...
The Swiss Kult-Hits (Vol.1) compilation unites Stephan Eicher's (Toutes les filles de Limmatquai), The Young Gods (Did you miss me), Taxi (Campari Soda), Hertz (Willy Ritschard), Stiller Has (Moudi) or Züri West (Ich schänke dr mis Härz).
[Les Sonnailles]
The magical enchanting sound of cowbells in Alpine pastures. More than 60 minutes of it. [see below]
['s FahrGlüüt]
Another CD in this series of incredibly enchanting soundscape CDs which are intoxicatingly representative sonic portraits of certain aspects of Swiss [vanshing] culture. "True Tone" volumes 1-5 including: ['s Glüüt vols. 1-2], ['s Fahr Glüüt], [Les Sonnailles] [CD 91522, 91532, 91482, 91492] is a series of ambient recordings of, yes, the pastoral / pastaural Swiss scenery. What do the Alps, the pastures, the rolling hills sound like? They are alive and filled with the atmospherically pregnant sounds of intoxicating cow bells of the herds grazing the steep rolling pastures.
"Echo der Zeit" Christine Lauterburg
Lauterburg is that inspiring dovetail where punk, experiment, and tradition converge. She is original and inspiring yet she covers ground in search of roots lost to the countryside. She sings in the Swiss-German dialect which is awfully musical and beautiful as well as inscrutable. She sings traditional songs with unique and refreshing new interpretations...
A great label producing an under-regarded mad yodeler in the vein of Shelley Hirsch from a snowy peak. Inspired reinvention of ethno-über-music combining real yodeling with hints of other-worldly musics splintered and melted into a mix worthy of Hector Zazou.
"Rössli 7: Alper Liedli & Jüüzli"
The two collections of traditional yodels on Rio 6 Starkä Tubak Alpler-Liedli und Jüüzli [CD 91752] and Rössli 7 Starkä Tubak Älpler-Liedli und Jüüzli [CD 91742] are a must if you want to hear real roots-style yodeling and the Swiss style accordion [a small non-chromatic thing made of wood]. Rio 6 is a fairly complete collection of the recent repertoire of the Pragelchörlis from the canton of Muotathal, here interpreted by Toni Büeler and others.
"Am Alte Silveschter z ' Urnäsch"
These field recordings by Cyrill Schläpfer record the strange Appenzeller pagan holiday in January when men dress as strange evil or good spirits. The masks remind you of something from the Middle Ages or mid-Africa. Incredibly haunting material.
CSR Records/Film : Music & Film Production / Publishing
Dreilindenstr. 31 : CH- 6006 Luzern : Switzerland
: MAIL: cyrill ( at ) csr-records.ch